Monthly Archives: April 2012

Mila Jovovich as Leeloo from the 5th element movie

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Mila Jovovich as Leloo from the 5th element, pencil drawing

Lady in white and lady in black

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Lady in white and lady in black, a pencil drawing I've made 10 years ago colored in Photoshop


10 years ago, imagining two women, one wearing a white dress symbolizing her purity, like a princess, the other, a bad girl with dark hair, wearing a little black dress, holding hands in the sunset. I wish I was one of them. These days I’ve coloured the drawing using Adobe Photoshop. Below it’s the original drawing

Lady in white and lady in black, a pencil drawing I've made when I was 15


The Titanic and the so called Iceberg

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My painting of the Titanic and the so called iceberg that was a German military submarine

Everyone knows about the Titanic tragedy but only a few people know the truth. The theory of the iceberg is ridiculous hilarious. The Titanic was attacked by a German military submarine and that’s why it sinked.

A drawing and a painting for the Earth Day

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Watch the Earth color pencil drawing with fluorescent rainbow around the Earth

Today, april 22, is the Warth Day so I posted my fluorescent drawing and my oil on canvas painting for the Earth

Watch the Earth oil on canvas painting

The death of Hypatia – killed by saint Kiril and his Christians

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The death of Hypatia, pencil drawing

I’m sorry if you find this pencil drawing offensive but this is real history. This is what saint Kiril and his Christians have done by the year 415. This is how they killed Hypatia, a scientist and a philosopher, a great mathematician and astronomer, the woman who has invented the hydrometer and the astrolabe. They did this be cause she was a very intelligent woman and the abrahamic   religions such as Christianity and Islam promote misogyny claiming that women are inferior and cannot create, that women are only for procreation. This is what saint Paul who was a very misogynous, homophobic intolerant and frustrated man has said in his letters to romans that are a part of the bible and this is what the Christians and the Muslims believe. Saint Paul was a gay male in denial and that’s why he hated gays who were happy the way they are (See his texts and the icon below). Paul was very judgmental hating almost everyone. He hated women, he hated gays, he even hated his own body and his own genitalia .  The whole bible was wrote by people like him or Moses (who was a criminal too), not by god and it’s sad that so many people believe in it. He wasn’t in harmony with the world be cause he wasn’t in harmony with himself and that why he was so full of hate and it’s texts that came from his inner struggle to be what he was not and interior conflicts, not from god have a strong influence on so many people.

Saint Peter and saint Paul in a byzantine icon, in a passionate embrace, almost kissing. If this is not gay than I am the pope from Vatican

This is what the Christians have done and now they pretend to be good and talk about love, peace ans wisdom. The Christianity like al the Abrahamic religions has spread like a cancer, like a disease be cause it was an aggressive religion, not be cause it comes from a good god. The Christians killed people for being scientists, witches, gays and lesbians or having the courage to admit the Earth is not flat and it’s rotating around the sun. This is then true face of Christianity.

Saint Cyril was a criminal who has brutally raped and killed a woman be cause she was smarter than many men instead of being a the slave of a man, accepting a subhuman inferior status, the condition the Christians put the women into.

The women who go to church every Sunday must know that this church and religion has been invented by immoral people like Kiril who had a very bad attitude towards women considering them inferior to men and behind the fake beautiful words such as love wisdom and peace they promoted hate war and ignorance and killed people for being witches, for being gay of lesbian and even for being to smart be cause the Cristians like all the followers of Abraham hate the truth, hate science and most of all they hate intelligent people.

The Cristians killed Hypatia and destroyed most of her work and the the Alexandria library and they did the same with the poetry of Sappho and many other things created by women be cause they wanted to erase women from history.

The Christianity has put the human civilization backwards and we still suffer from it’s consequences.

A world without Abrahamic religions would be a better place

From Sappho and the ancient Greek civilization to the actual orthodox Greece

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Sappho the poet of Lesbos and Gongyla, painting

This is my painting of the poet Sappho and Gongyla one of her muses. Looking at this painting and thinking about Sappho and her poetry that has been lost and the actual Greek culture one idea comes to my mind. Thee Greeks that lived by her time were more open minded and civilized than those who live now and CHRISTIANITY is responsible for this. The Christians have destroyed the poems of Sappho be cause they were wrote by a bisexual(?) woman. I thing the main reason they did this was Sappho’s gender. Sappho was a woman and they, just like the Muslims, considered women are inferior and dirty.  The abrahamic religions such as Christianity ans Islam promote misogyny, discrimination and hate against LGBT people while they are talking about love and wisdom at the same time.

Sappho and Gongyla, one of her muses, oil on canvas painting


I don’t knw if Sappho was bisexual (She couldn’t be 100% lesbian in the actual meaning of the word be cause she was married to a man, she had a daughter and she wrote love poems for men too, not only poems dedicated to young girls) but one thing is clear: Sappho was a  feminist. Sappho was a promoter of the feminine values, such as beauty, aesthetic sense, softness etc. Sappho was teaching young girls to be more feminine, to be proud of their femininity and love themselves for what they are.  I don’t know if the legends about the homosexuality of the girls who came to the Isle of Lesbos to become the followers of Sappho were real but the Isle of Lesbos was one of the places where women had more rights than in other places where they had no right to decide, not even about their own life, they were forced into marriage, raped and used only for giving birth to children.  That’s what Christians hated, the fact a woman can do something better than a man and encourage young girls to rise their heads and say no to the male domination.  That’s why they destroyed her poems and for the same reason they killed the scientist Hypatia, who was a great mathematician interested in astronomy too. The Christians made the Greek people  misogynous, homophobic and very intolerant. In the ancient Greece homosexuality was not punished and gay and lesbian people could live normal lives but now the church intrigues to hate against them while many of  their own monks in the Athos mountain (where the access of women is forbidden)  are gay and hide this and judge others for this.

The Christianity has pulled Greek civilization backwards and unfortunately the Greek orthodox church is still strong keeping the nation from progress. I thing this has to do with the European recession too  be cause Romania and Greece, two orthodox were worst hit by the economical crisis. A lot of money go to the orthodox church making it stronger and stronger and affecting the country’s economy. I know the situation in Romania that is similar to Greece. We have no money for the health system and for education but we have for cathedrals and priests get more money than doctors and teachers. We have no money for research but we have for church. This brings Romania and Greece closer to Islamic countries  like Iran and Afganistan, countries ruled by religion and not by rational principles and far away from the civilized world. There are so many similarities between orthodoxy and Islam be cause these religions have a common origin.

I don’t know why the orthodox church has a strong influence in the eastern Europe even now in the 21 th century, when science has proved the bible is just a mixture of stupid texts and God doesn’t exist.

Lindsay Lohan by the time she was a good girl

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My pencil drawing of Lindsay Lohan in 1998, when she was just 12


Do you remember those times back in 1998 when Lindsay Lohan was just 12 years old? By that time she didn’t smoke, she didn’t drink alcohol and drugs were far from her. By that time she was like an angel with natural red hair and blue eyes.
It’s so sad she didn’t remain like this. If only she could stay this was by that time. The same thing happened to Britney Spears was was an innocent little girl when she became famous but she has lost her purity and became a bad girl. This is what is happening when children or teenagers become stars to early in their lives, when they are not mature enough to know what is good and what is bad and start smoking drinking alcohol or taking drugs be cause of the influence of the young people around and the curiosity that is typical at that age

Sappho, oil on canvas painting

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Sappho and Gongyla, one of her muses, a girl she wrote a poem for, oil on canvas painting

The two faces of Persephone

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The two faces of Persephone oil on canvas painting


This is my painting of the daughter of Demeter with her two faces, Kore, the maiden aspect of the goddess the goddess of spring, the bright side and persephone, the queen of the underworld, the wife of Hades, the dark side

Watch the Earth, painting and drawing

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Watch the Earth oil on canvas painting

Watch the Earth color pencil drawing with fluorescent rainbow around the Earth