Monthly Archives: May 2013

Pink having sex with herself

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Pink having sex with herself

The social network

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The social network, pencil drawing

The social network, pencil drawing

I’ve dreamed this drawing a few days ago in my short day sleep and I’ve made it after waking up. This is a network made of simple figures resembling people, repeating at different dimensions. This drawing is representing the society as a network of people depending on each other

Stone heart, pencil drawing

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Inima de piatra

Night angel

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Night angel, pencil drawing

Night angel, pencil drawing

She is a dark creature of the night.She comes in the night when the full moon shines bright.She came in my fantasy and made me create this drawing

Selene or a goddess of the moon

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Selene or the goddess of the moon, tempera painting

Selene or the goddess of the moon, tempera painting

A christian’s brain

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Creierul unui crestin rastignit pe cruce desen ion creion - Christian brain pencil drawingThis is what religion is doing to our brains. It crucifies our minds, it makes us blind to reality and it is limiting our thinking

The fire spyral

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The fire spyral, a painting I've made by the year 2004

The fire spyral, a painting I’ve made by the year 2004

The fire bird

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The fire bird, a painting I've made by the year 2001 when I was 14

The fire bird, a painting I’ve made by the year 2001 when I was 14

Schiller – Dream of you or the girl in my dream, memories since 2001

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The girl in my dream on the moon, new pencil drawing

The girl in my dream on the moon, new pencil drawing

This is a drawing I’ve made now starting from an older painting, a painting I’ve made by the year 2002 beeing inspired by the song Schiller – Dream of you and the dreams I had by the year 2001 when I used to dream about a young girl with white skin and long black hair, a girl I’ve never meet in my real life. The image below is the old painting. It is not amasterpiece but I keep it cause of it’s sentimental value. It remins me of the girl I used to dream when I was a teenager

The girl in my dream on the moon, old painting, a painting I've made by the year 2002

The girl in my dream on the moon, old painting, a painting I’ve made by the year 2002

I remember by that time the song made me imagine the girl in my dreams on a mountain on the moon singing with her beautiful voice, wearing jewels, with the Earth behind her. Music was inspiring me