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I decided to put a simple title to this abstractbpanting, a title that can replace 1000 words: Binary

It is a panting about duality an polarisation, kind of an yin-yang, a painting about two fundamental rpinciples

The rainbow neural network – My painting about the structure of the universe resembling a neural network

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Do we live inside a big mind? Is our universe intelligent? The interconnected structure of galaxies and clusters bears resemblance to the intricate connections found within neural networks. Our universe looks like a big neural network

I’ve made a painting about the structure of the universe resembling a neural network

Just a state of mind, watercolor paintings

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Just a state of mind, watercolor paintings

Pituitary structure watercolor painting

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Britney Spears, pencil portrait drawing

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A digital drawing about the coronavirus pandemic lockdown

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This drawing is about fear and lonelyness, about what I felt like during the coronavirus pandemic

My paintings of the Pleiades

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These are my paintings of the Pleiades, the seven sisters, followers of the goddess Artemis

The Covid19 pandemic – A painting about SARS-Cov2,the coronavirus that has taken over the world in 2020

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This is my painting about the coronavirus that had changed our world,the pandem that taken over the entire planet.

I painted this last week, when I was infected with SARS-Cov2


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This is my painting of the dwarf planet Haumea, one of the planets that can be found in our solar system, beyond Neptune

Meditation, fluorescent painting

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Meditation, fluorescent painting